In fact, all major web browsers are killing off support for this format. However, SWF and Adobe Flash Player (Chrome, Firefox & Opera) itself are no longer so popular, with plenty of controversy about their security and privacy, the reason for which HTML5 is now the new in-thing. It was an extension that was almost always present on any web browser, as its SWF format also became standard thanks to its mass use in web design. The plug-in to play multimedia web contents that was almost a must. Its main advantage regarding its competitors is that it allowed us to reduce the bandwidth necessary and, therefore, the loading time of all these applications. This multimedia player was initially created to show vector animations in two dimensions but ended up becoming the favorite support for developers to create web applications that also included audio, video, and interactive elements. but it is a story that needs to be told, if only to remind people that IT is as much about relationships as it is about technology.About seven or eight years ago, maybe longer, I was working for the "Orange and Black" com.Back in 1996, Macromedia brought out Flash Player, which was later acquired by Adobe.